Thursday, June 14, 2012

That glass wasn't always half empty...

Perception, the way we as a person views events in their own subconscious and the way it is interpreted. This glass is half empty, this one half full. Obviously most decisions are not that simple and easy to answer. Most of the time we unknowingly choose a side to a situation and then act on it, and almost instantaneously too. Examples are such as it starts raining out and you previously had plans to play baseball or whatever outside. this is where perception can make or break a person. One could choose to turn it into an opportunity, such as a day to get homework done, read a novel, or break out an old board game that has only been used as a dust collector in your cabinet for the last six years. The other way one could look at the situation is to get angry, sad or throw a pity party and do something destructive, such as get bored and eat too much, annoy your siblings, cry to yourself in a corner while grasping on to your tattered and weathered teddy bear you hide under your bed and have been secretly sleeping with since the second grade, or I don't know, whatever it is pessimists do. This is Perception.

It is a powerful thing that develops over the course of your life based around personal history, influences and goals. Optimism and pessimism, most would agree optimism is the way to go, but how many of those people practice what they preach. I get it, I've been there done that when it comes to being a pessimist. The hard part is changing perception, its a long painful process that i have not yet unlocked the secrets to, but have achieved. One thing I do know is that the first step is admitting you are a pessimist. I'm sorry to everyone out there that calls themselves a realist, because you are actually just a pessimist in denial, the worst kind too. now don't be offended when i say that because i was a so called "realist" at one point too. The key is breaking the cycle. Stop telling yourself, "Oh this has never happened before, so why would it start now?" because the only thing that is produced from that is nothingness. Thomas Edison, Maybe the brightest man ever to walk the earth, and one of the most successful too, was not successful because he invented the light bulb, but because he had discovered about ten thousand ways how NOT to make one. When was the last time you tried to do something ten thousand times? Basically what i am saying today is that not only is perception the main driving force of our decisions in life, but what have you done to change it to better improve your well being?

First impressions

As i introduce myself to a new realm of recording and organizing my thoughts, my thoughts should probably get to know where they are coming from. My thoughts in this case being not only the subconscious being that is manifested in my brain, but also the reader.

So, introductions; First off my name is Thomas, I have an amazing life in a small town where everybody knows everybody and constantly referred to as pleasant-ville. I am sixteen, (which has to be the most intriguing, inspiring, and toughest of all ages) have a wonderful loving family and girlfriend, and last but not least, .... i suffer from depression.

But this blog is not to vent or to complain about my problems, that when weighed out against real matters such as world hunger and war, is completely irrelevant and miniscule. No, this blog is exactly as the title says so, the organization of chaos.

Some may ask, "OK, what does that mean?", well it is actually quite simple. As i have experienced the wonders and great sufferings of a seemingly infinite raincloud of sadness known as depression, i have come up with not only a solution to the way i think about life, but also how to take it back and control it.

Have a fun and hopefully enlightening read.